Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage Processing Boning & Processing JBS Bordertown, SA

Sub-optimal lighting levels on the production floor = lower product quality & higher personnel safety risk. When combined with high costs of maintenance due to repeating lamp-failures, it is past time to make some improvements… and so our client wanted a solution!


Our Canopus of fittings are a modular style, designed for very simple & fast retrofitting into existing Wadco/Stellar-type housings. We supplied a sample for trial and the solution met with full approval! And being self-installed over a period of a few weeks, they could also spread the purchases out to keep within the maintenance budget! Electricity savings were also important, so to use only 270W of power each instead of >550W each was very significant.

Project Outcome

Although the changes to the lights can’t be seen, the changes in the light is very noticeable! Overall, the lux-levels are up by ~30%, the lighting-power usage is down by ~50% & the maintenance time spent on high bay lighting replacements is now almost zero!

Canopus™ Slimline LED Canopy Light

The Canopus Highbay

This low-profile surface mount luminaire has a seamless design and offers the highest levels of energy efficiency of any product in its class. Ideal for applications such as food preparation areas, cool rooms and general soffit areas- even petroleum applications.

Sensationally, total installation time can be <5 minutes!

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    Food & Beverage Manufacturing Case study